Why You Should Always Keep a Stick of Gum Close by if Your Ears Start to Hurt

Vital Spark Life
4 min readAug 19, 2023


The Science Behind Ear Discomfort

Understanding Pressure and Discomfort

When you’re on an airplane or driving up a mountain, you might have experienced that uncomfortable sensation of pressure building up in your ears. This happens due to the rapid change in altitude, which affects the air pressure around you. Your ears have tiny air-filled spaces called Eustachian tubes that help regulate the pressure on both sides of your eardrums. However, sometimes these tubes struggle to keep up with sudden pressure changes, causing discomfort and even pain.

The Role of Chewing

This is where the magic of chewing gum comes into play. Chewing gum prompts you to move your jaw, which in turn activates those Eustachian tubes. The simple act of chewing helps open up these passages, allowing air to flow in and out more easily. As a result, the pressure on both sides of your eardrums equalizes, relieving the discomfort you might have felt otherwise.

Gum as Your Travel Companion

A Friend during Flights

Air travel, while convenient, can bring about its fair share of ear-related challenges. The changing pressure in the cabin during takeoff and landing can lead to that dreaded “ear-popping” sensation. Having a stick of gum handy before and during the flight can offer a solution. Chew the gum during these pressure changes to keep your ears comfortable and the pressure balanced.

Road Trip Essential

Long road trips can be exciting, but they often involve traversing through different terrains and altitudes. This can lead to those uncomfortable moments when your ears are struggling to adjust. By chewing gum while driving through elevation changes, you can actively prevent the discomfort and pain associated with unequal ear pressure.

A Weather-Proof Solution

The Weather-Ear Connection

Have you ever noticed that your ears can feel stuffy or uncomfortable when a storm is brewing? Changes in weather, particularly sudden shifts in air pressure, can impact your ears. It’s almost as if your ears are small meteorologists, sensing the approaching atmospheric changes.

Chewing Gum: Your Ear Weather Shield

Believe it or not, having a stick of gum can provide relief during these weather-related ear discomfort episodes. Chewing gum keeps your Eustachian tubes active, allowing them to adjust to the changing pressure more effectively. It’s like giving your ears a pair of earphones that can tune in to weather broadcasts!

The Convenience Factor

Gum: Portable and Practical

One of the most significant advantages of using gum to combat ear discomfort is its portability. Whether you’re in the middle of a business meeting, on a hiking trail, or simply relaxing at home, carrying a pack of gum is hassle-free. This convenience ensures that you’re always prepared to tackle ear discomfort, regardless of where you are.

An Instant Solution

Unlike other remedies that might take time to kick in, chewing gum offers near-instant relief. As soon as you start chewing, your Eustachian tubes begin to do their job, alleviating the pressure and discomfort. This rapid response makes gum a reliable and efficient option for managing ear-related issues.

Embrace the Gum Habit

Preventive Care

Just as you keep a first aid kit for physical injuries, having gum on hand is like having a first aid kit for your ears. By incorporating this small but effective habit into your routine, you’re taking proactive steps to safeguard your ears from unexpected discomfort.

A New Perspective

Next time you pop a piece of gum into your mouth, think about the dual benefits you’re giving your ears. Not only are you enjoying a refreshing treat, but you’re also ensuring that your ears stay comfortable and balanced, no matter the circumstances.


Incorporating a stick of gum into your daily life might seem like a simple act, but it can have a significant impact on your ear comfort. By understanding the science behind ear discomfort and the role that chewing gum plays in alleviating it, you’re empowered to navigate various situations with ease. So, the next time your ears start to hurt or feel stuffy, reach for that stick of gum — your ears will thank you.


Q1: Can I use any type of gum for this purpose? Absolutely! Any regular chewing gum should work. Opt for sugar-free options if you’re concerned about dental health.

Q2: How long should I chew the gum to feel relief? Chewing gum for about 5 to 10 minutes during pressure changes should be sufficient to experience relief.

Q3: Are there any situations where chewing gum might not help? While chewing gum is generally effective, severe ear issues might require medical attention. Consult a healthcare professional if you experience persistent discomfort.

Q4: Can children chew gum for the same purpose? Yes, children can also benefit from chewing gum to alleviate ear discomfort. However, ensure they are old enough not to swallow the gum.

Q5: Is there an alternative to gum for ear discomfort? Yawning, swallowing, and sucking on candy can also help equalize ear pressure. However, gum remains one of the most convenient options.

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